Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bugs on a Stick

Felicia Groves - Forrest County, recently conducted a program and used the recipe, "Bugs on a Stick". It is a wonderful recipe and the children enjoyed it.
  Bugs on a Stick
Pretzel Rods*
Fat-free Cream Cheese
Sunflower Seeds(optional)
Dried Fruit -Raisins • Dried Cranberries • Dried Blueberries

Cut cream cheese into cubes and place in food processor to make it easier to dip pretzel rods. Put cream cheese in a cup and let kids dip their “sticks”. Give each child a spoon full of “bugs”

*Honey Wheat pretzel twists were used.(purchased at Walmart)

Felicia had the cutest picture on her recipe page but I was unable to copy and paste. You can find this recipe on the X drive!

1 comment:

Ida said...

Love the picture. The fruit you used actually looks like a beetle on a stick.