Thursday, June 14, 2012


Chere Brown Display at local grocery store

Great job!!!

Great Ideas

Bulletin Board  - Brown Circle Homes
Window Display - Laurel Library

Wonderful diplays created by Ida Knight!!! Thanks for sharing!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bulletin Board Jones County

Ida Knight, Jones County

Thank you for sharing, Ida! Love it!

Bugs on a Stick

Felicia Groves - Forrest County, recently conducted a program and used the recipe, "Bugs on a Stick". It is a wonderful recipe and the children enjoyed it.
  Bugs on a Stick
Pretzel Rods*
Fat-free Cream Cheese
Sunflower Seeds(optional)
Dried Fruit -Raisins • Dried Cranberries • Dried Blueberries

Cut cream cheese into cubes and place in food processor to make it easier to dip pretzel rods. Put cream cheese in a cup and let kids dip their “sticks”. Give each child a spoon full of “bugs”

*Honey Wheat pretzel twists were used.(purchased at Walmart)

Felicia had the cutest picture on her recipe page but I was unable to copy and paste. You can find this recipe on the X drive!